FSU Health Expo: Bridging Health, Technology and Research

Start Date


Start Time

02:00 PM

End Date


End Time

06:00 PM


Tallahassee Senior Center (1400 N Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32303)



Event Type

Health Expo


Open to the Public


Jing Wang, PhD | Dean, FSU College of Nursing; Andy Kozel, MD | Professor, FSU College of Medicine; Lynn Panton, PhD | Professor, FSU College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, Howard Stone, JD | Director, FSU Office for Human Subjects Protection, Brittany Stith, RN | Director, Office of Research, Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, and Phillip Worts, PhD | Clinical Research Director, Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic

Event Host

Tallahassee Senior Center Foundation

Event Sponsor

Allegro, Capital Health Plan, United Healthcare


This unique event brings together Florida State University, Tallahassee Senior Center, L3X, UPSLIDE, and a multitude of community partners to learn about FSU’s innovative research in the field of health. This is an opportunity to engage with researchers, learn about ongoing exciting research projects, explore ways to be involved in advancing science, improve your physical and mental health, and discover life-changing technologies. The program includes expert speakers, panelists, exhibitors, and a variety of resources. Enjoy light snacks and a happy hour reception. Stop in or stay for the entire time. The event is free and open to the public. A $3 donation to the Tallahassee Senior Center Foundation is requested.

Contact Name

Erik Rawls

Contact Email